Saturday 29 January 2011

Editing our Film

 We decided to use Final Cut Pro as the editing software for our primilinary. We decided to use this as opposed to iMedia because although Final Cut Pro is more complex to use, we felt it was the better editing software and would challange us.

In our video we used quick cuts between shots so our sequence ran smoothly and was continuous (chronological order).

Screen Shots-
White Balance and Filter
 We used a title at the start of our video and credits at the end of the film. We used a fade transition between the texts (title and credits) and the video to demonstrate that we knew how to use transitions/different ettects.

We also used a filter on one of the shots (where the white balance was set incorrectly). 
The image to the left shows the difference of the use of the filter. The top image is a screen shot of the origional shot (where the white balance was setup incorrectly) and the bottom image is the a screen shot of the same shot once a colour filter had been added and adjusted to match the other footage.

We also used garage band and tested out different sound effects we could edit into our footage. In the end we only used the sound effect of a door opening because other background sounds (such as footsteps) were already in the audio of the video, so did not have to be added.

By Holly King

1 comment:

  1. These are useful comments on the process for later in the main task evaluation. Good screen grabs.
