Sunday 30 January 2011

Analysis of Thriller Opening-The Dark Night

Camera work- 
  • The first shot is an establishing one, showing the surroundings and the city.  We first see the joker from behind in a long shot, and the camera zooms in to the mask he is holding in his hand which makes the audience realize its importance.
  • As the clowns run into the bank the camera tracks them, which makes us as the audience feel among the chaos.
  • Over the shoulder shots are used with the two clowns on the roof to show the one working while the other one pulls a gun on him.  Shallow depth of field is also used here as the background is blurry while the foreground is clear.
Mise en scene
  • Props are very important in this opening.  The use of different weaponry helps develop certain characters.  The way the protagonists use their weapons makes them seem not only dangerous but clever as well.
  • The masks are very important props, not only adding mystery to the characters but making them look scary.  They suggest that the crime they're doing is just plain fun to them.  These props are important to the scene because they hide The Jokers identity, we don't know who he is until the very end.
  • The non diegetic sound is the music, which at first is just a low ticking noise.  It paces us, like a heartbeat and bridges through all the shots.  In the most dramatic moments the music rises and the beat becomes load
  • The diegetic noise includes the sounds of the city, and dialogue.  The sounds affects, for example the noise of the man drilling into the vault, are done loadly to reflect the importance of every little detail.
The clip was unable to be embedded so here’s a link to the opening sequence of The Dark Knight:


1 comment:

  1. Good analysis again Freya. I understand that Alex has had problems accessing the blog. Hopefully this is resolved now. Could you 3 contact me asap to discuss the possibility of someone joining your group who is currently working alone?
