Monday 31 January 2011

The dark night: Batman

The main promotional poster of the film.

Camera work
  • The first shot is an extreme long shot and an establishing shot from an airial perspective giving the audience an overview of the surroundings. I think it is shot from a helicopter as it is the only possible explanation as other methods such as a dolly would be obviously impossible. This shot also my show the movies huge budget along with its big Hollywood name stars such as Christian bale and Michael Caine.
  • Throughout the 4.30 minuet opening scene the camerawork is trying to engage the audience. This is evident with a small tracking shot the duo abbsail out of the window across the busy road and onto a nearby roof top. Also in the back seat of the car as a different groupe of 3 travel to the bank prior to the robbery. This gets the audience involved straight away and engages them into the narrative of the movie.
  • The third shot we see one of the assumed antagonists back holding a clown mask facing us. This firstly hides his personal identity and replaces it with the identity of the “Jokers” gang. This creates enigma and further hooks the viewer to watch more. The shot also creates enigma as the shot focuses the audiences attention onto the narrative as well as not overcomplicating the storyline with extra characters. 
one of the antagonists 
Mies en scene
  • The clown masks that the antagonist bank robbers uses serves a number of purposes. Firstly, they hide there identity personally but identifies them in the “jokers” gang. However all the masks are different showing that they are still individual people involved in this terrorist gang. This may represent the difficulty is fighting this sort of war. “ war on terror” as its members are constantly changing. Also the masks themselves are scary but humorous which my represent there personality.
the mask of a bank robber 

  • The setting and decor of the bank robbery is very realistic further improving the movies realism and connection to the audience. The costumes worn by the antagonist characters are mainly dark, grubby suits. This may show there professionalism and further identify them as part of the “Jokers” gang. Also they blend into the crowds and city workers with there costumes further.
  • The bank vault itself is scene in many movies which makes it easier for the audience to understand whats happening in the storyline.
  • The body language of the antagonist is quite arrogant showing they have control of the situation while the hostages/ victims of the robbery are obviously scared and confused. We know this as there heads are down trying to avoid eye contact with the antagonists and as they fall to they floor for protection and cover from the gunfire

Editing and sound
  • Many sounds have been added in editing such as the window smashing in the first shot, when one of the antagonists hits the bank guard in the back with his gun and the screeching of the tiers as the old 4 X 4 pulls in to collect one gang member from a junction. This emphasizes certain elements of the story in which the director has choses to enhance the experience and drama of the shot. These sounds also give clues and undertones to the audience to help them understand characters and story lines better.
  • The soundtrack in the bank vault is parallel to the visual as we see one of the antagonists pilling money into bags. The soundtrack enhances the event and creates a better experience fir the viewer.
  • The editing is cross- cutting as the antagonist bank robbers meet in the bank vault to carry out the mission. The cuts are not at a fast pace maybe further implying that the bank robbers have the situation under control.
  • The movie goes straight in with the “disruption”. There is no “set up” to introduce the audience to protagonists or antagonists. This may be due to the nature of the film. As it is a movie with the batman brand the audience has properly already met the main characters of the plot. This is why the narrative goes straight into an event rather than setting us up for the rest of the movie.

  • there is little non-diegetic sound in the opening sequence of the dank night. however there is a quiet soundtrack in the bank vault. this creates tension and emphasis on the shot. 
By Alex stirling

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