Friday 11 February 2011

Testing Lighting

We tested 2 different lighting which gave us different results. we used a 1 point and 2 point lighting system which gave different effects and shadows.
we struggled to find a suitable room that was available so we had to settle for a very small room which was available.

  • This is the 1 point lighting setup, however it created to much harsh shade for the size of the room we were shooting in.

  • This is the 2 point lighting system which created a softer effect and shadow

  • This lighting created to much of a harsh shadow and was to strong for the size of the room. 

  • this was a 2 point lighting system and was to obvious. there are 2 shadows which is not natural although the subject was well lit.

  • This displays the one point lighting system from a low angle with an obscured light source, as you can see the final effect was not good and created a very hidden subject, however if the light was a bit brighter this could have been a successful shot for the Attic scenes.

Alex and Bradley

1 comment:

  1. This is good planning, however you should improve these notes by explaining how each would suit your narrative, mood and characterisation. Every post on the blog must be linked to the process clearly.
